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Online Learning

Home Learning 

If a child is off school with Covid symptoms and is awaiting a test / test results you need to contact school and let us know this is the reason for absence.  School will provide home learning activities for your child to complete whilst they are at home.  This is a requirement from the Department for Education.

Under these circumstances, no member of your household will be able to come to school to collect work packs (similar to the ones we provided during lockdown). Therefore, all home learning resources we will be electronic, with most being provided by an online App called Purple Mash. Log in details for this have already been sent home. 

Children will need to have access to a tablet device or PC / Laptop to be able to complete tasks.

Some tasks will be uploaded onto Purple Mash in advance so that your child will be able to access work straight away.  This will be added to, to ensure your child has enough work during their time at home. As home learning is a directive from the Government there is an expectation that children complete the work set.  Teacher will be checking Purple Mash and if no tasks have been completed within 48 hours of being off school then staff will contact families to find out the reason why.

If a whole year group bubble has to close, then staff will be checking in with your child every day during the closure.  This will be done via email, using year group email addresses, in the first instance and will be followed up with a phone call home if there is no response.


Daily work expectations


Children will be assigned a text to read from the Serial Mash section.  Books split into five chapters (one per day) and will be set a daily task based on their reading.


There will be a daily English task.  English tasks will consist of phonics and / or spelling activities, grammar-based activities. There will also be one extended writing task set per week.

Maths (one activity a day)

There will be a daily Maths task. Maths tasks may reflect the learning happening in class but tasks are more likely to support children in learning, practicing and remembering some of the ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’ (KIRFs) for your child’s year group, such as times table facts, telling the time, money and properties of shapes.

Theme (one activity per day)

On top of this, your child will be set some theme work.  Purple Mash covers all aspects of the National Curriculum so a range of activities and subjects set will be set from these.

Alternatively, your child could be set a project from Oddizzi.  Oddizzi is not part of Purple Mash but is an electronic resource. If this is set by your child’s class teacher, you will receive information about where to find this and what your child needs to do. 


Other possible resources children could access during their time at home include:



If your child doesn’t know their password for any of these online resources, please contact the school office and we will do our best to get these details to you as soon as possible.

If your child is unable to access online resources, please let us know.  We will look at the best way in which we can support you and your child to complete their home learning.