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Sport at Grange Park

Sport at Grange Park

Grange Park Primary School provide an exciting, balanced and varied programme of activities in physical education that will contribute to each child's physical and emotional development. We strive to create a positive attitude towards P.E. with correct coaching. It is hoped that the children will gain enjoyment from physical education and pursue sporting activities in their private lives, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle.

From September 2021 all pupils from Years 1 – 6 will participate in two weekly PE lessons. One session will be led by a specialist sports coach and the second by their class teacher. During EYFS and KS1 (EYFS- Year 2), children focus on developing key skills such as throwing and catching, running, balancing and performing sequences of movement etc. During KS2 (Years 3-6) pupils develop and refine these skills and apply them to different games/sports e.g. football, tennis, athletics, hockey, and begin to develop tactical and teamwork skills.  Our curriculum is based on the Val Sabin schemes of work for Gymnastics, Dance, Games, OAA and Athletics.

We introduce children to a range of sporting activities and encourage them to appreciate how such interests can enrich their lives. The playground has been marked out to encourage netball, football and hockey. We run daily lunchtime football tournaments on our school 3G football pitch, and we also take part in the Daily Mile, which encourages staff and pupils to walk, jog or run a mile during the school day.

We provide several ‘extra-curricular' sport sessions as we feel physical potential can be enhanced by including children in teams for internal and external competitive events. During the Summer Term our Year 5 children have weekly swimming sessions at Abraham Darby Academy and we aim for all pupils leaving the school to be able to swim at least 25m. All pupils in year 6 have the opportunity to attend Arthog Outdoor Education Centre on a school residential.

Thanks to strong links with local sports clubs, we are able to help and direct individuals who wish to develop their sporting activities further and several children have progressed to District and County standard whilst still attending Grange Park.

The school aims to try and ensure that each child achieves their true potential in the range of sporting activities it provides.

Our School PE Twitter account is constantly updated with sports news and results. To view our school PE twitter account please click the link: