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Specific Needs & Agencies


School staff regularly review all children’s progress and monitor children with concerns.

Specific needs

SEND Procedures.

Those children with ongoing concerns may be referred to the appropriate agency with the permission of parents.

Where children have additional needs, they will be supported in accessing the full curriculum.

Individual risk assessments are carried out, where appropriate, to ensure the safety of children with additional needs.

If concerns still remain once the intervention has been completed, the school will request statutory assessment by the local authority.

Specific needs may include:
•Speech and language difficulties or delay
•Specific literacy difficulties – affecting reading and writing and maths.
•Autistic spectrum needs
•Hearing impairment
•Visual impairment
•Physical needs
•Medical condition


We use a number of additional indicators to identify additional needs:
•  The analysis of data including Foundation Stage Profile, SATs, reading ages, termly pupil assessments and progress tracking grids.
• The use of criterion-referenced checklists relating to phonics and high frequency words and reading tests.
• Parental concerns/information
• Information from previous schools
• Information from other services: eg Health, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapists,


If a child is not making expected progress, the class teacher may consult with the SENCo and parents to decide if different/additional provision is necessary. The interventions to support progress will be outlined on the class progress actions document.

If, after a term, staff or parents are still concerned, a provision map outlining additional support or resources may be written  The child will then be identified on the School SEND register so interventions and support can be monitored.

The Provision map will detail:
•The teaching strategies/resources to be used
•The provision to be put in place - frequency, staffing etc.
• When the plan is to be reviewed

The provision map will be reviewed every term and outcomes will be recorded. Pupils and parents may be involved in the process.

Specific agency support

As a school we can access support and advice from specialist services:
•Speech and language therapists and T.A.s
•Occupational Therapists
•Behaviour support staff and Inclusion mentors  (additional cost)
•Sensory Inclusion service – hearing and vision
•School nurse
•Health visitors
•Learning support advisory teacher (additional cost)
•Education Psychologists (This is for a set number of sessions per year)
•CAMHS Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services